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“Bariatric Surgery”, “Body Lift Surgery”, Also Known As “Post Weight Loss Surgery”

after weight loss surgeryThe booming business of bariatric surgery or body lifthas created a new niche in plastic surgery.  Over the last few years, we have seen a large increase in the number of patients losing weight and feeling frustrated with their bodies.  Even after the hard work and accomplishment of major weight loss, the loose skin and droopy body can discourage the most successful patients.  The average bariatric candidate will lose over 100 pounds!

Dr. Larry Pollack specializes in restoring the body to it’s pre-weight gain condition.  Similar to a “mommy makeover”  following pregnancies, the post-weight loss surgery is dramatically transforming.  A tummy tuck is the most commonly requested procedure following weight-loss and is sometimes covered by health insurance.  Other procedures gaining popularity are brachioplasty (arm lift – which removes hanging skin from the arms) and thigh lifts.  Of course, breast surgery of some form is usually involved as well.  Breast augmentation and breast lifts are very common following weight loss due to the empty volume in the breasts.

Combinations of these procedures can safely be performed at the same time, but Dr. Pollack determines the best treatment plan for each patient.  Depending on the severity of the weight loss and the health history of the patient, it can be decided which surgeries to do together.  All procedures are performed at the fully accredited Sharp Outpatient Pavilion in San Diego.  If you have lost weight and are considering a cosmetic procedure, be sure to visit us for a consultation.
