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Liposuction has reigned as the number one most popular plastic surgery for the past three years, with nearly 350,000 people choosing to slim and contour their bodies using this procedure. But, what many prospective liposuction patients wish to know when considering this treatment is how long their results will last. While liposuction results are considered permanent, several factors can influence how well they hold up. In this blog, we discuss the best ways to ensure that the results of your liposuction surgery will last as long as possible.

5 Min Read:

Understanding Liposuction

Factors That Impact Liposuction Results

Maintaining Your Liposuction Results
Learn More About Liposuction in San Diego

Are Breast Lifts Dangerous?

Maintaining Your Liposuction Results

Learn More About Liposuction in San Diego

Understanding Liposuction

Liposuction is a transformative surgical procedure designed to reduce or eliminate pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise. It is extremely versatile and can be used to get rid of fat anywhere from your chin down. The most popular places to get liposuction tend to be the torso, addressing love handles, muffin tops, bra bulges, and tummy pooches. It can also eliminate a double chin, trim down pesky “cankles,” and give you a more slender appearance overall.

The important thing to know about liposuction is that it is not a method of weight loss. Instead, it is a way to put the finishing touches on your physique or address areas of excess fat that refuse to budge despite your best efforts. Many people aren’t aware of this, and a common question is, “How much weight can I lose with liposuction?” The answer is that most patients typically only lose between two and five pounds. During a consultation, your surgeon will usually let you know if you are a good candidate for liposuction so that you can achieve (and maintain) your desired results.

Factors That Impact Liposuction Results

When considering liposuction, you should go into the process knowing how best to maximize your initial results as well as keep them looking gorgeous for years to come. Liposuction is intended to be a permanent way to reduce excess fat. Below, we explore some of the factors to be aware of as you work to stay slim and toned after your procedure.

Weight Gain

Going into your liposuction procedure, it is recommended that you be within 10–15 pounds of your goal weight prior to surgery. The reason is that weight fluctuations, especially an upward trend, can affect your results. Liposuction eliminates fat cells in the targeted area, so if you gain weight, you may notice an increase in fat distributed across other areas of your body. Additionally, while most of the fat cells in the treatment area are eliminated, some may remain. Gaining weight will cause those cells to grow, potentially reversing your results. The best way to maintain your liposuction results is by keeping your weight stable through healthy lifestyle choices.


As most people know, genetics can play a pivotal role in how and where you carry excess fat. Liposuction is a fantastic way to address the areas that are genetically predisposed to storing more fat than other places on your body. Still, genetics can also have a hand in derailing your results. If your genetics make you predisposed to storing fat in your midsection, liposuction may give you results you couldn’t achieve otherwise. However, those same genetics may make replenishing fat in the same areas easier if you gain weight after your procedure.

Hormone Changes

Along the same lines as a genetic predisposition for fat storage, hormonal changes can also affect your liposuction results. When you go through perimenopause and menopause, shifts in hormones can also shift the way you carry your weight. “Menopausal middle” isn’t just a catchy headline for weight loss ads. It’s an actual phenomenon where your body shifts your weight to your abdominal area. Hormonal weight gain can have a hand in thwarting your best efforts to maintain your liposuction results, so keeping your weight stable with a healthy, active lifestyle can help.

The Aging Process

Over time, your skin starts to lose elasticity, making it harder for it to keep everything where it should be. While most anti-aging skin regimens focus on your face, taking care of the skin on the rest of your body, especially the areas where you’ve had liposuction, is vital to maintaining your results. The loss of collagen and elastin in your skin causes it to sag, so you may notice a shift in how your weight is distributed as a result. Taking care of the skin on your body as you age, including moisturizing and using products to boost collagen and elastin production, are good ways to help keep your skin (and your liposuction results) looking beautiful, longer.

Maintaining Your Liposuction Results

Liposuction can be a life-changing procedure. It can restore your confidence in your body and make you feel like a whole new person. As you may have figured out from the information above, the best way to keep your liposuction results looking as beautiful as possible is by adhering to a healthy diet, staying active, and maintaining a stable weight.

However, even with your best efforts, there may come a time when you feel like your results may need a bit of tweaking. In this case, you may elect to get a touch-up liposuction procedure or non-surgical CoolSculpting® to keep your figure looking stunning.

Learn More About Liposuction in San Diego

When you’re ready to tackle those areas of your body that you’ve been struggling to slim down, liposuction may be the ideal solution. Whether you choose to undergo liposuction on its own or combined with other procedures like a tummy tuck or Brazilian Butt Lift, Dr. Larry Pollack can create a customized plan for you. To schedule a consultation, call us today at 858-450-9100 or complete the online contact form.