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Mommy Makeover San Diego

mommy makeover san diegoChances are you have heard the term “mommy makeover” used when cosmetic surgery is being discussed. Perhaps you have seen it on a television show, a magazine, or heard it mentioned in conversation.  The term “mommy makeover” is derived from the desire to obtain a woman’s “pre-baby” body  following pregnancy.   The truth is, there is no exact set of surgeries that comprise a “mommy makeover.”   For each woman, the types and amount of surgery may completely vary.

Typically, the abdomen of course is damaged and stretched from pregnancy, so an abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) is performed.  This could be either a mini tummy tuck (from the belly button down) or a full tummy tuck.  Sometimes liposuction of the hips and thighs may be added for contouring.

In addition, most moms experience some element of “deflation” to their breasts after pregnancy and/or breast feeding.  Either a breast lift, implants, or both, are common options for restoring the breasts to a fuller size and desirable position.

If you are interested in some sort of “mommy makeover”, the best place to start is with a consultation.  Because the combination of procedures can vary so much from one woman to the next, it is very hard to estimate what you might need over the phone or via e-mail with your cosmetic surgery consultant.   Just to give you an idea, you can expect to pay anywhere from $6000 and up for a tummy tuck, and about $10,000 and up for a breast lift with implants.  Most plastic surgeons will give great price incentives for having procedures together, so you will see a savings if you decide to have all of the surgery performed together.

Dr. Pollack requires his patients to stay overnight at Sharp Memorial Hospital for the first night of recovery when undergoing a complete “mommy makeover” (such as a tummy tuck, breast lift and augmentation).  A flat fee of $650 covers your private room and care.

Please contact our office if you are interested in an individualized treatment plan with Dr. Larry Pollack, 858-450-9100!

Del Mar Plastic Surgery