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Breast Revision Surgery in San Diego, CA

Many women undergo breast augmentation to enhance their cleavage and improve the size and shape of their breasts. Sometimes, a complication develops, or the implants are not satisfactory and need to be replaced or removed. Patients in the San Diego, California, area can benefit from breast revision surgery by Dr. Larry Pollack to improve the shape and appearance of their breasts after primary breast implant surgery.

Schedule a Consultation

Do you desire...

  • Improvement on a previous breast augmentation
  • Replacement of your implants with those of a different shape or size
  • Relief from complications after a prior surgery
  • Breasts that look more natural
  • Improved cleavage
  • More symmetrical breasts
  • Increased satisfaction with your breasts
  • Improvement in your confidence

Breast Revision Techniques

The breast revision procedure is similar to the original breast augmentation surgery and begins with anesthesia. Our office offers deep sleep (twilight) anesthesia, which is a sedation technique that does not render the patient unconscious.

The same incision location as the initial breast augmentation is commonly used. Your procedure plan details will determine which incision method will work best to achieve your desired results. If the same incision locations used for your breast augmentation are used for revision, then no new scarring will appear. In some cases, a different incision is made that results in scarring that is typically concealed by your natural breast contours. Scars tend to fade over time and can be covered by undergarments.

Incisions are closed using sutures and surgical skin adhesives to promote the healing process.

You can expect a similar process to your initial breast augmentation recuperation. Most patients feel better after a few days and return to work within one week. Resting, getting plenty of sleep, and following your postoperative care instructions can help speed up your healing time. Most patients feel better a few days after their surgery. Any discomfort can be alleviated using prescription pain medications.

The price of your breast revision may cost about the same as your original breast augmentation but will depend on the amount of correction and techniques needed. Insurance or your original breast implant manufacturer may help pay for breast revision surgery depending on the reason it is needed, so it is best to discuss the details of your insurance coverage with your provider and check your implant warranty information.

Implant Removal with New Implant Placement

• Your implants are removed, sometimes along with the surrounding scar tissue (capsule).
• The replacement implants are placed into the breast pocket and secured into place.

Implant Removal

• Some patients desire to remove their implants without having them replaced. They may be uninterested in replacing them for personal reasons, such as not wanting a fuller look or desiring to be worry free. This option also has a lower cost compared to implant replacement.
• During the procedure, the implants and potentially the surrounding scar tissue capsule are removed. Some patients decide to combine a breast lift with their implant removal procedure to restore perkier breasts.

Prepare for Your Surgery

During your consultation, Dr. Pollack reviews your records and medical history, evaluates your breasts, and listens to your concerns and goals. This conversation helps him determine the best procedure options to help achieve your desired outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before & After

Breast Revision Actual Patient Before & After
Breast Revision Actual Patient Before & After 2

How Can We Help?

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Dr. Pollack is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is dedicated to providing patients with safe and effective procedures. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of plastic surgery and looks forward to meeting you. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Pollack, please call our La Jolla practice at 858-450-9100 today.