Liposuction in San Diego, CA
What Is Liposuction?
Liposuction, or lipoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to remove pockets of stubborn fat that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. It can be used to smooth and contour almost anywhere on your body, from your chin to your ankles. Liposuction is a permanent method of fat reduction, offering gorgeous results and a more defined physique.
Benefits of Liposuction in San Diego, CA
Liposuction is designed to remove stubborn pockets of excess fat, enhancing your curves and slimming “problem areas.” Benefits of liposuction include:
- A flatter belly
- A firmer abdomen
- A toned appearance
- A slimmer waist
Liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. Instead, it is a body contouring procedure designed to put the finishing touches on your figure.

What Areas Can Be Treated With Liposuction?
The abdomen is one of the most common areas where unwanted fat is stored. If you have problems with abdominal fat, you may appear bloated, and your clothing may no longer fit comfortably. Fat around the stomach can obscure toned abdominal definition. Liposuction can be used to restore a flatter tummy.Hips
Fat along the hips can cause “love handles” or an unsightly muffin top. Women often use liposuction to create more attractive curves around the hips. Fat removal along this area can restore a slimmer appearance, but it can also enhance your curves, resulting in a more shapely appearance in some women.Thighs
Excess fat along the thighs can cause ill-fitting pants and painful chafing in some patients. By slimming the legs with liposuction, you can decrease the amount of painful irritation you may be experiencing. Additionally, liposuction can restore a leaner, more toned thigh that looks better in shorts and dresses.Arms
Flabby arms, sometimes called “bat wings,” can make many women and men feel self-conscious when wearing certain types of clothing. Using liposuction to eliminate fat along the arms provides a more toned, leaner arm appearance. For many patients, this look cannot be achieved without surgical assistance.Neck
Fat accumulation along the neck, especially when localized under the chin, can contribute to the appearance of a double chin. Submental fat can cause your jawline to lack definition, and you may appear heavier than you are. Liposuction can eliminate your double chin, creating a slimmer appearance.Additional Treatment Areas
Liposuction can be performed on many other areas if you desire to further enhance the contour of your body. Other areas that may benefit from liposuction include your back, chest, knees, and mons pubis.Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?
Good candidates for liposuction are in good health and have realistic expectations about their results. Ideal candidates for liposuction are those who have a BMI of under 25, are within 30 pounds of their ideal weight, and have good skin elasticity. If you have skin laxity or excess folds of skin, you may want to consider combining your liposuction with another body contouring procedure to remove or tighten loose skin, as liposuction can make it more apparent.
How Is Liposuction Performed?
Liposuction is performed using local or general anesthesia. Small incisions are made in the target areas. A thin hollow tube (cannula) is inserted through the incisions. The doctor will move the cannula side to side to loosen some of the excess fat from the surrounding tissue. Once the fat is loosened, it’s suctioned out using a syringe or a surgical vacuum. The small incisions are then closed, and sterile dressings are applied.
What Can I Expect From My Liposuction Recovery?
After your liposuction procedure, you will experience some swelling, bruising, and minor discomfort. Over-the-counter pain medication or prescription medication will help alleviate any pain. Once you return home, you should rest and limit your activities for a few days. Light activity is recommended to encourage circulation and prevent blood clots.
You can expect to return to work within a week or two of your procedure, as well as resuming most of your everyday activities. Some exercise is allowed, but you will need to wait to get back to more strenuous exercises until after four weeks with your surgeon’s permission.
Most liposuction patients wear compression garments for several weeks following their liposuction to promote healing, reduce swelling, stimulate skin tightening, and help ensure the best results possible.
Swelling and bruising will gradually decrease, though residual swelling may still be present three to six months after your procedure.
When Will I See My Liposuction Results?
Depending on the treatment area and amount of fat removed, you may see some of your liposuction results immediately after your surgery. Once the majority of the swelling has subsided, your results will be more apparent. In some cases, it may only take four to six weeks to see your results, while for others, it may take up to six months before their final liposuction results are visible.
The fat removal attained with liposuction is permanent, and most patients achieve results that leave them satisfied for years. Once the fat is successfully removed from an area, it cannot grow back. However, you’ll still have fat cells in those areas as well as other body regions. If you gain weight post-procedure, these fat cells can increase in size. Maintaining a stable weight after your liposuction procedure will help ensure your results last for years to come.
Why Choose Dr. Larry Pollack for Liposuction in San Diego?
Dr. Pollack is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing cosmetic and reconstructive procedures in San Diego. His particular interests lie in body contouring procedures, making him an excellent choice for your liposuction procedure. Dr. Pollack’s experience and skill ensure that you will receive the stunning results you desire from your liposuction procedure.
What Are Some Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction?
- What procedures can be combined with liposuction?
- Why is liposuction not a weight-loss procedure?
- How does liposuction differ from traditional weight loss?
- What is the average cost of liposuction?
- Can I get liposuction in multiple areas at once?
- What type of anesthesia is used during liposuction surgery?
- Can fat removed during liposuction be used to enhance other areas of my body?
- Are there any risks associated with liposuction?
How Can We Help?
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Dr. Pollack is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is dedicated to providing patients with safe and effective procedures. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of plastic surgery and looks forward to meeting you. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Pollack, please call our La Jolla practice at 858-450-9100 today.